Loss of Other Utilities (Gas & Water)
Utilities have become essential services which we rely on as part of modern life; they include electricity, gas, water, sewers and telecommunications.
Loss of these services can be caused by fires, flooding, severe weather and accidents. Services could be lost for a few hours, days or weeks depending on the severity of the incident.
Impacts on communities could include:
- Disruption to essential services and activities
- People exposed to poor sanitation or limited drinking water
- Homes without heating, the ability to cook and/or keep food cold
- Limited telecommunications
What can you do?
Think about how the loss of these essential services could affect your life or businesses, and what plans you could put in place to help you to cope. Following are some ideas to get you started:
- Keep a battery powered torch or light at home
- Have a battery or wind-up radio in your home
- Have a home phone that doesn't need electricity in order to work
- Keep a list of emergency contact numbers for utilities companies
- Keep a list of important contact numbers (not just stored in your mobile phone in case the battery runs out)
- Know where the cut-off points in your home are for utilities
- Keep an eye on vulnerable neighbours
- Go to the sections of this website designed to Help Yourself, Your Business and Your Community to learn more
Mains Power Failure Advise